"Newspaper Boxes" 1996 plywood, newspaper 60 x 7
"Newspaper Boxes" 1996 (detail)
"Life-Size" N.A.M.E., Chicago, IL
Art Chicago 1996, with Uncomfortable Spaces, Chicago, IL
ARCO, with Uncomfortable Spaces, Madrid, Spain
"Multiples for the 90s" ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL
"The Uncomfortable Show" Ten in One Gallery, Chicago, IL
Benefit Auction, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL
"Skew, the Unruly Grid" Gallery 400 at the University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, IL
Art Chicago 1995, with Uncomfortable Spaces, Chicago, IL
"Aesthetic Cranks" Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Another Group Show" Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
"The Uncomfortable Show" Tough Gallery, Chicago, IL
The New Pier Show, with Uncomfortable Spaces, Chicago, IL
"Worst Show" Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Too Much Time: Paul Kass/Jesse Sadia" Beret International Gallery,
Chicago, IL
"Plastertapestude" N.A.M.E., Chicago, IL
The New Pier Show, with Uncomfortable Spaces, Sculpture Garden,
Chicago, IL
"Car Radios..." Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
"Things: Alan Bolle, Elise Fergusen, Paul Kass" Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
McCracken, David "Just Barely Art, N.A.M.E. Show Challenges" Chicago Tribune, 23 April 1993